Class act

Along with Symphony Kids, Class Act has been another exciting way to wholly engage with and be connected to the teachers and students by joining them on their own turf. When I was a kid, I was always fascinated when the music teacher came to the room and pulled out all the drums, music toys, and instruments she had in her cart. I never wanted her to leave! These memories inspired me to create this program where kids get to sit as close as they like to the musicians, listen to and learn about great chamber music, the instruments they are listening to, the artists of orchestra, and what it means to live a life in music. 

We have lengthy Q&A’s, create scripts that tell stories and inspire the imagination, and show them that we are there for them. One of the most important aspects is that we return over and over again. They always know we will be there for them, and we always check in with them multiple times a year, throughout the season. Meeting a child where they are is one of the most important ways to connect with them on a deeper level. I am proud to say that Class Act has been visiting schools for eight years, and the positive feedback from both the teachers and students has been overwhelming.

Learn more about Class Act here